It's actually living and helping me a lot with building my website
Presentations are now really easy to create with these design assets in my backhand
Pattern libraries are a popular tool to create a common design language and a consistent interface in your product. My awesome friend
Fabian once said that pattern libraries have to work on a big and small scale so I decided to give it a shot and create a really small living pattern library for myself. It's the fuel for
my homepage
my manifesto
Proves that pattern libraries work in a small scale
Also proves that design is about content and I'm just making up list items here
Allows me to experience with new technologies at a low cost
It's important that a list item is able to display a bigger chunk of text. It's important that a list item is able to display a bigger chunk of text. It's important that a list item is able to display a bigger chunk of text. It's important that a list item is able to display a bigger chunk of text.
It's important that a list item is able to display a bigger chunk of text. It's important that a list item is able to display a bigger chunk of text. It's important that a list item is able to display a bigger chunk of text. It's important that a list item is able to display a bigger chunk of text.
List with big items
Helps me actually a lot to understand the whys
E.g. If you need guidelines for colors, create them
but if your colors are cool you don't actually need guidelines
just because everyone else is having some
and don't missuse lists like this
Once I've wandered around. Now I Have a clear path and mission.